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Emirates Türkiye team visited HAVAIST

Emirates Türkiye team visited HAVAIST

Emirates Türkiye team visited HAVAIST, which provides passenger transportation services to Istanbul Airport. During the meeting, developments in the aviation and land transportation sectors were discussed and potential collaborations between the two institutions were evaluated.

Hosted by HAVAIST General Manager Volkan Bozkaya, the meeting was attended by Emirates Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania Regional Manager Mehmet Gürkaynak and the Emirates Turkey team. The parties exchanged ideas on current dynamics in the sector, improving service quality in passenger transportation and possible cooperation opportunities.

At the end of the visit, Mehmet Gürkaynak presented a gift to Volkan Bozkaya, while Bozkaya presented a gift to his guests, expressing his satisfaction with the visit. It is stated that the meeting, which took place in a friendly and productive atmosphere, could pave the way for possible future projects between Emirates and HAVAİST.

Emirates Aviation Mehmet Gurkaynak Volkan Bozkaya2

Emirates Aviation Mehmet Gurkaynak Volkan Bozkaya3



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